Property Tax Assistance
Our firm offers property tax assistance to clients who may be paying too much on their property tax assessments. We do this by conducting a Property Tax Assessment Review.
We offer reviews for residential, commercial, and industrial properties.
Our assessment reviews are easy to begin and are hassle-free with our service. All are handled by a Licensed Illinois Attorney from start to finish and are given personalized service in order to get the best results.
Our team has access to consultants that have vast experience in the assessment field and has community relationships with many town assessors. If you think you are property tax assessment is too high, we can look into it for you.
If for any reason, our professionals think you are paying too much we will appeal on your behalf for no extra charge unless we win your case.

Property Tax Assessment Review
For $50 You Will Receive The Following:
A review of the information you are currently being assessed on to ensure all information is accurate.
If we find any errors we will work with the local assessment office to correct the error for this year and if possible for last year too. This could mean a refund due to an over-payment on your most current tax bill!
A review of your most current tax bill to ensure you are receiving any and all exemptions that you are entitled to.
If we find anything missing, we will work with the local and county assessor’s to correct the information. If possible, we may also be able to get you a refund of the overpayment on the most current tax bill!
A review of your property assessment to ensure you are equitably being assessed in terms of market value and uniformity.
If we find that your assessment should be lower for any reason we will file an Assessment Appeal on your behalf for no additional charge to you unless we win!
If you would like to discuss this service in more detail, please call us at (847) 457 - 1840 to be connected with a licensed Illinois attorney from Suburban Appeal Inc.